Toddler Program:
18 months - 36 months
Developing the skills to care for one’s body, belongings, and environment
Puts on shoes and coat independently
Washes hands independently
Shows interest in toileting
Learns healthy table manners, sitting while eating and cleaning up after self
Packs away toys and belongings when finished engaging
Transitions well between activities
Managing emotions in a way that enhances personal growth and social relations
Extends oneself and tries to make friends with classmates and teachers
Learns early social skills such as turn taking, sharing,
Shows awareness of other’s feelings and may try to comfort another
Begins to label own feelings, wants and needs and asserts themselves.
Begin to work on conflict resolution with the help of a teacher
Participate in large group and small group settings
Listening and responding to words, conversations and stories
Vocabulary continues to expand and begins to expresses ideas in multiple word sentences
Understands and follows 1 and 2 step directions
Displays a joy of reading, being read to, and begins to tell stories
Repeats poems and participates in songs and rhymes
Begin drawing representational work and explains their work
Building a sense of numbers, shapes and space through manipulation and exploration
Completes puzzles focusing on differentiating shape and size
Fills, pours, sprinkles, and begins to practice measurement
Sings rote counting until 10, knowing the
Attempts to follow simple patterns using beading, pegs and other manipulatives
Expressing ideas of self through a variety of mediums
Enjoys singing out loud a repertoire of songs
Engages with musical instruments and listens to the various sounds
Participates in finger and body movement song activities
Creates nonrepresentational art using various art mediums
Plays dramatic play to act out familiar situations taking on different roles and using props
Developing physical strength, control, and coordination of muscles to accomplish tasks
Rolls, crawls, creeps, tiptoes, jumps, runs, bends and climbs, moving swiftly and precisely.
Uses whole body to push and pull objects
Moves body on hands and knees pretending to be various animals
Kicks a ball, rides a tricycle, throws ball overhand,
Enjoys various finger activities such as threading, scribbling, beading and finger songs
Rolls, pounds, squeezes and pulls clay
Connecting with our community and the environment
Begins to express observations of world around self
Participates in outdoor play and discovery
Interacts with fellow classmates and looks forward to being with others
Begins work on conflict resolution and learns language of caring for others
Exposure to universal core values through Jewish holidays, stories and traditions
Stories, mitzvot and lessons appropriate to each of the Jewish holidays
Weekly Shabbat Celebrations, with homemade Challah bread
Makes blessings before eating, and to start the day