Threes Program:
3 years by October
Developing the skills to care for one’s body, belongings, and environment
Demonstrate independence and self-reliance during meals, dressing, hand-washing, and toileting
Choose and engage in an activity from several options
Keeps track of personal belongings at school
Participate in clean up with decreasing amount of guidance and prompting
Follow classroom routines and safety rules
Develop increased persistence and patience in approaching tasks
Understand and follow verbal 2-3 step directions
Managing emotions in a way that enhances personal growth and social relations
Ability to transition into and participate in a group setting
Show trust in adults and interest in peers
Recognize and verbalize a wide range of emotions
Demonstrate increasing impulse control
Demonstrate confidence in own abilities
Show problem-solving skills
Imitate parents and friends
Communicates verbally to express social needs and wants
Express empathy or caring for others
Uses imagination to engage in role play
Listening and responding to words, conversations and stories
Increased ability to clearly express ideas and questions
Participates in circle time discussions and use new vocabulary
Enjoys looking through and listening to books
Develops an understanding and ability to come up with rhyming words
Demonstrates knowledge of the alphabet: recognizes some letters
Demonstrates an understanding of print concepts (letters have sounds and make up words that can be written and read)
Demonstrates increasing phonemic awareness (ability to focus on and manipulate individual sounds)
Building a sense of numbers, shapes and space through manipulation and exploration
Identifies colors, shapes and some numbers
Places 3-4 picture cards into proper sequence
Counts with one-to-one correspondence
Increases understanding of numbers values 0-10
Corresponds numeral to amount of objects
Matches, names and follows simple patterns
Orders objects from smallest to largest
Describes how items are the same or different
Classifies items by similar and different properties (color, size, shape)
Uses simple measurement and comparative words (bigger, smaller, tall)
Arranges objects with sequence
Recognizes and continue patterns
Expressing ideas of self through a variety of mediums
Expresses themselves and develop an appreciation for music
Develops an appreciation for dance and movement
Develops awareness and appreciation for visual arts (painting, drawing, sculpting, mosaics)
Begins representational thinking—can create representations to a drawing or building
Use different art tools and techniques properly
Developing physical strength, control, and coordination of muscles to accomplish tasks
Demonstrates basic motor skills (run, jump, ride tricycle, throw, kick, catch a ball)
Climbs up and down on playground equipment
Shows increasing ability to balance
Manipulates objects
Holds scissors properly and move paper while cutting
Squeezes appropriate amount of glue
Uses pincer grasp to pick-up and manipulate small objects
Holds writing and art tools with pincer grasp
Makes basic strokes with a pen or marker
Demonstrates increasing ability to draw recognizable pictures
Connecting with our community and the environment
Identifies unique characteristics of themselves, their families and others
Becomes a contributing members of the classroom community
Demonstrates awareness of the culture within their classroom and community
Develops inquiry skills
Observes and investigates living things
Understands cause and effect relations
History – changes over time, understands stories told happened long ago when life was different
All jobs are important; everyone helps out in different ways
Exposure to universal core values through Jewish holidays, stories and traditions
Stories, mitzvot and lessons appropriate to each of the Jewish holidays
Weekly Shabbat Celebrations, with homemade Challah bread
Makes blessings before eating, and to start the day